The road wound through a combination of earth quake destroyed buildings, and tent cities. Large UN, USAID, Samaritans purse, Red Cross tarps, and plastic sheeting stretched over sticks, rough metal or wood, frames. The heat was dry, the air dusty, and stifling, despite the constant flow of water down off the side of the mountains that trickled through the streets, Thousands of people roamed the streets and trash was everywhere. This was “Cite Soleie”, Haiti. Reported internationally to be one of the most dangerous places on earth, It was also the home of hundreds of orphaned, abandoned and neglected children, and one of the reasons we were in Haiti.
The compound we stayed at just outside of this area had at one time been impressive. A school, a church, an orphanage, the earth quake had left much of it in ruins. Un, Us aide, and Samaritan’s purse tarps strung over temporary wood frames, served as church building, school house, and temporary classrooms, while rebuilding was under way.
Micro business to support the ministry, A mattress making area, a bed frame making operation, a hardware building material store, all designed to contribute to the support of the church and orphan care program. “We want to be self supporting” the pastor shared as we toured his facility “This church exist as the hands, the feet, the mouth and the ears of Christ on Earth. We are His Body. So we must be busy doing what Christ does” he said in his thick Creole accent. “How else will they know His love and accept Him as their savior.” “They need to see the difference in us and Voodoo” “This Mango tree is where the Voodoo priest used to offer sacrifices, Now we build beds here for orphan children! “
Many of the children lost parents in the earth quake, others whose parents were literally starving and had lost everything, brought children who were so weak they could not walk, to the orphanage so they would not die. All have been welcomed cared for, and most importantly told about Jesus. The entire church is involved. The teens, wash and braid hair the adult women, cook food, the men help the rebuilding effort
I leave Haiti today, feeling better for the experience. I am doing what I do best. And what God has called me to do. Partner with hard working nationals, to help them bring the Good news of Jesus to the worlds most neglected and neediest children. We will partner, teach, help, give, bleed, and cry with these people. We will pray with their sick and rejoice with them as one by one, We build the Kingdom one child at a time.
Scott Couch