Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thanks so much for the prayers.  It was a wonderful mixed service, presenting the truth of God's  word, and teaching about Baptism.  God gave me the perfect illustrations that made sense in Hatian Creol.  It was clearly the working of the Holy spirit.
The youngest was about 9 and the oldest was a old woman who was led there blind.  When we were done she said, "I am blind, but I now see what Jesus has done for me."  Tomorrow we will go to pray with her about her physical needs. She will be Baptized Sunday.  Along with 10 others.  I was especially pleased at the fact that 4 of them were men.  No small thing in this culture.
Scott Couch

Monday, June 20, 2011

June 2011 - Coutui day 3

Coutui day 3
A busy day!
VBS 175 children
Bible Art mural 75% complete

Village Men's Domino tournament

12 men attended who had not ever been to church and heard a great presentation of the Bible.

Other things complete:
  •  T
    een girls small group.  How to have a personal quiet time with God
  • Construction on the wall.  Two more courses of block were place
  •  More pavers were fabricated
  • Another round of guitar lessons with bi ble devotions was given.

God is good!

Coutui - Dominican Republic, Day 1 & 2

Hi from Coutui DR

The following items were completed on the first two days.

The group arrived safely on Saturday afternoon and settled well.  Sunday we went to Coutui and spent several hours canvasing the neighborhood inviting people to the programs this week and the service Sunday night.

Sunday night we held a service where the group sang, gave testimonies, and last minute asked me to preach